Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Staying on Track - Goals

Well, we are 11 days into the year and, suprisingly, I am still on track (check back in another 11 days and we shall see if I am so proud).  Vitamins have been taken and devotionals have been read every day - ok, I have to admit to reading the weekend ones on Monday to catch up - but seriously, who wants to take it home and bring it back on Monday?  And as tech savvy as I am, I still don't want to read it online.  I am reading The One Year Book of Inspiration for Girlfriends by Ellen Miller and The Upper Room too.  I am on double devotional duty - so there.  I have been scrapping a lot and my contact reports are all caught up for January so far.  The fun of being a fundraiser - not only do you spend your lunches working - you spend your work time wrtiting reports about your lunches!  Plans have been made for two scrapbook retreats this year - one in Jan and one in late Aug.  And I have a plan for the kiddos valentine cards.  So with a whopping week and a half of 2012 under my belt, I am feeling like this is actually the start to a good new year.  (Ok - so I have to admit that the Christmas decrations are still up, but that will be remedied this weekend.)  Also, in super nerd fashion, I have co-created (with the hubby) a list of cuisines and activities that have been typed up, cut out and will soon be placed in something so when we have one of our planned monthly date nights and have no clue what to do, we will just pick two and make a run for it (after kissing the kids goodbye eight times and promisnig the babysitter that we will return of course).  I have nearly completed last weeks Project Life spread - only two pictures short.  I am super excited about that.  I will post it soon along with my title page when and if someone ever takes a picture of ME to include.  How come no one (read my husband here) never picks up the camera to take a picture of me?  I have 5,000 of the kids and him and just hime and just the kids, but nada of momma! 

How's your year? 

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